When I first heard the rumor of this dragon I thought everyone was joking, but now it looks like those rumors were true, and man what I heard about him was a complete understatement.
So far there isn’t any concrete information on how to get to him. But, there are rumors going around saying he’s an alternate boss in the game. Or the more recent rumor I’ve stumbled across is he’s an optional boss quest. Similar to those monster marks you could take on in Final Fantasy 12.
The only dragon I can think of that could possibly take him on in terms of ferocity is the Gaping Dragon from Dark Souls. Located below are some screen shots taken from the video below. We haven’t seen a lot of mini-bosses being shown in Dragons Dogma, but if the Ur-Dragon is a sample of what’s to come. I predict that gamers will be rage quitting left and right like when Demon Souls first appeared on the scene.
Dragon’s Dogma – The Ur-Dragon
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D8agNJ6aORZ0 img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/8agNJ6aORZ0/0.jpg embed=true share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over skin=stormtrooper.zip bandwidth=high autostart=false /]