This week Joel and Ben discuss the Resident Evil Village gameplay reveal, release date announcement, and share their thoughts about Resident Evil ReVerse. They also discuss the news about Xbox Live Gold’s pricing change from $59.99 to $129.99 and then back to $59.99 in a single day due to outrage. There is also discussion about pandemic haircuts, and laying chickens before they hatch.
Games We Played: Scott Pilgrim vs The World: Complete Edition (For Joel’s Review click here), Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, and League of Legends.
Each week, Joel and Ben discuss the biggest stories in gaming and games they are currently playing. Please subscribe and share by listening on podcast services around the world. Tweet your questions, comments, and concerns over to @finalcheckpod and watch for Questions of the Week coming soon to
Each week, Joel and Ben discuss the biggest stories in gaming and games they are currently playing. Please subscribe and share by listening on podcast services around the world. Tweet your questions, comments, and concerns or email them over to fi****************@gm***.com.
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