Go Retro with Dirk and Dragon's Lair on XBLA

From 1983, comes a game that features animation done by Don Bluth, formally of Disney, and is even on permanent display at the Smithsonian in …

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What We Played for Week Ending April 15

This is a weekly segment where we share what games we are currently playing for our readers to get to know us a bit better. …

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Awesomenauts Are Go, Set To Launch on PSN May 1st, XBLA May 2nd

Combining the action packed gameplay of a MOBA with the old school throwback of a side scroller, Awesomenauts, the upcoming XBLA and PSN title from Ronimo Games, …

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Final Fantasy 13-2 DLC: Opponent: Lightning & Amodar Out Now

February 7th brought the first of many DLC packs for Final Fantasy 13-2. For $3.00 (240MSP), Lightning and Master Sergenat Amodar will be available for …

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Square Enix's XBLA Massive Sale

For this week only, Square Enix is having a week long sale on the Xbox Marketplace, up to 50% off.The sale includes games (recent and …

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Minecraft Could Change the Face of XBL

Minecraft has already done a fantastic job of changing the general perception of indie games with the sheer level of it’s scope, innovation and community focus. …

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Demo for Final Fantasy XIII-2 Out Now

Not sure about the direct sequel to Final Fantasy XIII? Fear not, the demo for FFXIII-2 is out now on XBL and PsN. You will …

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Xbox Banter Cast 35 – 2012, Bitches

This week we revel in our New Years stories, play ‘guess that Indie Game’ and David gets cranky as all hell. We complain about things …

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Benefits of a New Game Purchase

Many games are coming up with incentives for buying a game new. This is to boost their sales and to give the buyer a reason …

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Skyrim Avatar Items

Check out the latest in avatar gear on XBL for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim! You can do so via Xbox.com or straight from the dashboard …

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Is There Room for Single Player Action in a Multiplayer World

While browsing the net, I came across a few articles about how the single player is dying. That there is no room in the gaming …

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XB360 Getting First Two Skyrim DLCs Before PsN

In a press release sent out this morning, the people at Bethesda have announced that XB360 owners will get the first two DLCs for Skyrim …

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MineCraft Coming to the Xbox 360

Microsoft announced that they will be bringing the fastest growing PC title to its XboxLive service this year. The name of the game is MineCraft. …

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