This is a weekly segment where we share what games we are currently playing for our readers to get to know us a bit better. Said games can range from retro to current and from casual to FPS games. If we’re playing it, we’ll share it. Please feel free to comment with what you’re playing or your opinions on the games that we’re involved with.
William: Playing FireFall and it’s amazing. I also started Legend of Dragoon until I found out that I LOST MY PS1 MEMORY CARDS. /cry
Mass Effect 3: Resurgence Pack has drowned out some of my time. New classes and maps are pretty cool, and I’m finally getting in to doing Gold Challenges.
That’s about it… looking forward to Diablo 3 on the horizon
Jen: This week I was all over the place gaming wise. After beating Mass Effect 3 for the third time and NOT getting the two achievements I thought I would get, I moved on to Saints Row the Third. I had started my second playthrough (male this time) before ME3 came out. Once it did, SR3 was put on hold. I was happy to have some time to play it again. To me, SR3 is better than GTA (however I LOVE Vice City). My goal in my second playthrough with the game was to beat it a different way than my female character did. It was a bit heartbreaking to do so but it made playing SR3 that much better. I love that game. I’m planning on getting all the DLC packs for it at a later date.
I then went to You Don’t Know Jack for some achievements. I noticed that I never picked up the fourth DLC, so I went ahead and downloaded it and finished the entire pack. I used to play this game a lot with family members over XBLA, which is a lot of fun and makes playing this game solo a tad boring.
With the new SWTOR patch, I decided to finally load up The Old Republic again. I didn’t do much with the game and I hope that’ll change soon. I don’t like the idea of the family tree (Legacy) being so restricted. You can only select siblings, allies or foes. Why not uncles, cousins and so on? Hopefully this will be updated in a later patch that arrives sooner than several months from now.

Catherine got some love this week as well. I want to finish the game choosing Catherine instead of Katherine. However I started to get a tad frustrated with the game and I decided to put it down for another.
I got some time in with Rock Band 3 singing, which I think I’m terrible at but somehow I can sing songs on hard and a few on expert.
Finally played some Forza 4 again and I had forgotten how beautiful that game looks. I mainly wanted to get some time on the track because of Top Gear returning this Monday.
Jeff: Most of my gaming this weekend was fit into the weekend, and it was a lot. I finally had a chance to play a few Wii games other than Sports/Mario, which were the very good. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, the incredibly disappointing Metroid: Other M, and the wonderfully nostalgic Epic Mickey, a game very similar to Psychonauts in art and pacing. I put an hour into Metal Gear Solid, and finished the absurdly interesting OverBlood twice. Then I played the Namco Museum “remixes” of Pac-Man, Dig Dug, and Galaga. Just in case that wasn’t enough, my week was finished off by Mega Man X. Now I’m off to finally finish Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Tavia: I beat Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction today and unwound with World of Goo and played League of Legends with my guys (my first public win!) good gaming weekend for me.
Luis: I don’t know what happened to me this week, but I hardly touched my PS3. I mainly turned to my iPhone to get my gaming fix.
I bought Angry Birds Space a little while after it was released and have been playing it on and off every day. The new gravity changes are very cool.
Also downloaded DragonVale which is a game where you essentially breed and take care of dragons. People come on in to check out your dragons in your park.
Also been playing a bit of Temple Run and some Draw Something as well as Scramble and Words with Friends.
And on the PS3 I got a bit of Battlefield 3 multiplayer in as well as Deus Ex. Loving the game so far. I can’t believe it took me so long to pick it up. I love hacking stuff and I’m working my way through the game without killing anyone. Trying to get that Pacifist trophy.
Jason: I was in Star Wars: The Old Republic checking out all the new changes (I posted my impressions a couple of days ago)…then something broke and the servers were down all the next day. Still trying not to suck too much at raiding in World of Warcraft while all my guildies get invited to the Mists of Pandaria beta. I’ve also been playing a lot of Anomaly: Warzoneon Xbox Live and I should have a review up pretty soon.

John: I completed inFAMOUS and I am now really excited to play the second. I started Dragon Age 2, and then quit Dragon Age 2. I really wanted to get into it, but I don’t think I was in the mood for it. I’m halfway through my third or fourth playthrough of Dues Ex: Human Revolution, this time on the 360 instead of PC. Still one of the most beautiful games out there. Looking forward to getting internet on Wednesday so can start playing Mass Effect 3 MP and finally download Journey.
Greg: Spent most of my time this week finishing Warriors Orochi 3, or messing around with mods in Fallout: New Vegas. Orochi 3 was a lot of fun, a must buy for any Dynasty Warriors fan. And maybe Ninja Gaiden fans that didn’t like Gaiden 3 and need their Ryu fix. New Vegas is still fun. I’m trying a sneaky sniper this time (as opposed to my usual, run and shoot as many bullets as possible approach). It’s way more fun than I thought it would be. Just completed Novac.
Charles: Been playing Civilization V, after sitting down with Firaxis games and demoing the new expansion pack they were gracious enough to give me a Steam code for the full game. I’ve definitely been playing the hell outta the game and the history buff in me is loving it!