Baron W.'s Latest Articles

Ghost Recon Future Soldier PC Release Date and Specifications Announced

At long last we get some details regarding specifications on whats needed to play Ubisoft’s next iteration of, Ghost Recon. One thing that stands out as …

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Aliens Colonial Marines Gameplay Footage Showcase

With PAX less than 24 hours away from its official start time, information has already begun to leak out about certain games. One of those …

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Randy Pitchford Gives up the Goods on Aliens Colonial Marines

In a two part interview with, Randy Pitchford gives up the juicy details about Aliens Colonial Marines, and lists some of the reason why …

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NVIDIA's GTX 680 Provides Graphical Overhaul for Borderlands 2

While our coverage of NVIDIA’s new GTX 680 has been less than lack luster, that doesn’t mean we aren’t paying attention to it here at …

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Nokia Goes Viral With New Smartphone Ad Campaign

We’ve seen hundreds of ad campaigns over the years, but none of them have seemed as fitting as Nokia’s. This ad campaign focuses on the …

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Google adds New Multitask Mode to Google Chrome

One of the most shocking things I’ve heard this month is Google, has announced that it noticed its users we’re using Google Chrome at half of its …

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Sony Releases Worlds Smallest Laptop

The very first thing I saw this morning for an April Fools joke. Was Sony releasing a video describing their one of a kind laptop …

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Get Ready for Some Guerilla Warfare in Ghost Recon Future Soldier

In this brand new trailer from Ubisoft, we take a look at Ghost Recon: Future Soldiers Guerilla Warfare mode. Simply put, this mode is similar …

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Ruroni Kenshin Movie Announced

Finally, after what has seemed like an eternity for it to happen, it has. The popular anime Rurouni Kenshin will be made into a movie, …

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Self-Healing Plastic Fixes Itself When Exposed to Light

Some ingenious minds in the scientific community have created the ultimate plastic for protecting phones. Unlike you’re typical run of the mill plastic, that is …

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Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Gameplay Gets Commentated by Mega 64

It seems the guys over at Mega 64 are Ghost Recon fans, and they’ve decided to give us a taste of what it’s like when …

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Dragons Dogma Displays its Complexities at Capcom Unity

Dragons Dogma is a title that hasn’t been receiving a lot of recognition lately. Any recognition that it might receive gets it compared to that …

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Time to Believe in Ghosts Again and Lookout for Pre-Order Bonuses

In the second episode of Believe In Ghosts, Former Navy SEAL Sniper / Scout “Mack” Machowicz takes a look at how customized gear and weaponry …

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