So I’ve been keeping tabs on the news with PSN being down. I personally believe Sony screwed up from the very beginning to the end. Keep in mind, Sony challenged these hackers, boasting how they’re security was great; with very little effort, the hackers we’re able to gain access to Sony’s OWN system via a backdoor that they didn’t know about and steal your information. Not only that, but it took Sony over 3 days to inform you that your information has been compromised. THREE DAYS!! In the end, for the most part, all you got was a promotion to get you to buy PSN+. Sony is truly a sad sight Indeed. Here are some the video’s I’ve done on the subject.
At first, I just thought it was down.. so I just had some fun with the PSN fanboys
I even did a little cartoon about it, poking fun. At this time, I STILL didn’t know the truth length of the situation.
Now it’s been down for about 2 days… I knew something was wrong. I did some investigating and found out some dire news
Even responded to the fanboys, who apparently didn’t know the full extent of the situation.
So, finally, the news is out. Sony had no choice but to release the news on what happened….. I tried to warn them.
And finally, the results of the worst teleconference EVER!
And there you go. :), The situation is sad indeed, but the sadist part is how Sony handled the situation. All this time, and Sony couldn’t find out if our information was leaked or not…. on their some systems… it’s sad.