Dark Souls


Gamescom 2012 | Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition Screenshots and Trailer

In the beginning gamers worldwide enjoyed being beaten, broken, and dismembered solely on their gaming consoles. But in a few weeks gamers worldwide will be beaten, …

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Dark Souls PC New Content Also Coming to Consoles

Fret not console Dark Souls players, the additional content coming to the game in the upcoming PC release of will be available for you!

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The Ur-Dragon Makes His Debut in Dragons Dogma

When I first heard the rumor of this dragon I thought everyone was joking, but now it looks like those rumors were true, and man …

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Fanatical Five: Top 5 Saddest Video Game Moments

Video games have come a long way. They used to be nothing more than a recreational activity to kill some time or being only a …

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Fanatical Five: Top 5 Bromances in Video Games

Sometimes, stories revolve around classic heroes. All powerful men and women that rise to the occasions before them, over coming hurdles and obstacles, as they …

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Dark Souls Finally Comes to the PC

Gamers are a vocal bunch, sometimes overly so. But in the case of Dark Souls the ardent campaigning of the PC crowd  has unequivocally paid …

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Dragons Dogma Displays its Complexities at Capcom Unity

Dragons Dogma is a title that hasn’t been receiving a lot of recognition lately. Any recognition that it might receive gets it compared to that …

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What We Played for Week Ending January 15

This is a weekly segment where we share what games we are currently playing for our readers to get to know us a bit better. …

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Press Start: What We Played for the Last Week of 2011 Plus a Look Back

This is a weekly segment where we share what games we are currently playing for our readers to get to know us a bit better. …

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G-Spot Episode 41 | Mr. Negativity

Episode 41 of the @GspotPodcast is up, and we have an interesting show this week. Breezy’s still on his journey to find love via the …

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Some Dark Souls Tips for the Uninitiated

Is Dark Souls beating you to a pulp? Don’t let that prevent you from continuing to play my favorite game of this year by using …

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London MCM: Dark Souls, BlazBlue and Much Much More

The days to this year’s London Comic-Con are counting down quickly, and the list of things to see and do is growing at a ridiculous rate. Join …

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This Week In Games

You hear that sound? That’s the sound of the holiday season rapidly approaching. It begins, like the leaves of autumn falling from trees, all at …

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