PlayStation Experience
Call Of Duty World League New Season Plans Announced
This weekend at the PlayStation Experience, Call Of Duty World League announced the big plans for its next season.
PSX 2016: Chloe Returns in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Naughty Dog has announced Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
PSX 2016: NieR: Automata Recieves New Trailer, Release Date Unveiled
NieR Automata finally gets a release date.
PSX 2016: The Last of Us Part II Announced (Trailer)
Dreams do come true, The Last of Us Part II has been announced.
Sony’s PlayStation VR Finally Hits Shelves Today
The wait is finally over; Sony PlayStation VR launches today across the United States and Canada.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Available to Play Now on PlayStation 4
As of October 5th, gamers who pre-purchased the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Legacy or Digital Deluxe Editions on PlayStation 4 can play the beloved Modern Warfare campaign with a 30 day head start.
August’s PlayStation Plus Lineup Revealed
Yesterday, Microsoft announced their lineup of monthly free again and today, Sony has followed up with their own revealed lineup for PS Plus.
Star Trek Online Beaming Down To PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
Star Trek Online is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this Fall. The release will come with plenty of free content.
Yakuza 0 Slated For Early 2017 Launch on PlayStation 4
Confirmation regarding the prequel to the Yakuza series has just arrived from SEGA earlier this week. Yakuza 0 is coming exclusively to the PlayStation 4 console early 2017.
$400 PlayStation VR Core Pre-Orders Start March 29th
As reported by IGN, PlayStation will now allow customers to pre-order its $400/$550 CAD PlayStation VR core model starting at 7 AM PST on March 29th.
You Can Play Uncharted 4 Multiplayer This Weekend, Without PlayStation Plus
Naughty Dog and Sony extend an invitation to all adventurers out there to join the next stress test of Uncharted 4 Multiplayer.
Roccat Renga Headset Promises To Deliver a Premium Experience to Gamers
The Roccat Renga headset is coming to market to provide PC, Xbox One, mobile, and PlayStation 4 users with all the audio bliss there is to handle.
Five Most Exciting PlayStation 4 Exclusives Coming in 2016 | Fanatical Five
There’s a raft of PlayStation 4 exclusives coming in 2016, and these are the five most exciting games to be included in that prestigious line-up.