Warcraft Movie Posters Revealed and They’re Looking Good

The new Warcraft movie posters have been revealed at San Diego Comic Con this past weekend and they look quite amazing, displaying the full potential of the movie’s budget.

Lothar looking good!

The above shown is my (and the Internet’s) preferred poster as it displays Vikings’ lead Travis Finnel in the role of Lothar. The costume looks fantastic, and thoroughly resembles a footman unit from the Warcraft III days.

To us old-school boys, this is enough to make us salivate as the lore and beauty from the old RTS games is without rival. The footmen alongside Lothar also look quite fantastic and Travis himself displays the full extent of his acting power with a heavy yet solemn expression on his face.

The ugly duckling among the orcs, Durotan.

Sadly, where there is beauty there is also whatever that orc is supposed to be. In fact, that is Durotan, voiced by Toby Kebbel , and he doesn’t look as fantastic as his human counterpart. Actually, he kind of resembles a painting by El Greco, since his face is strangely elongated as if he was wearing a badly fitted rubber mask. The background looks nice, similar to the other poster, but it is much more unclear.

While this image may usually scare fans, it was already seen in an image of Ogrim Doomhammer previously shown this year, that the orcs look fantastic in the Warcraft movie so there is nothing to worry about. Maybe this orc just doesn’t know how to apply makeup, or blood, or whatever they use to look pretty in film photoshoots.

Ogrim Doomhammer, the better-looking Orc.

The Warcraft movie is set to release June 3rd of 2016. What do you make of the new posters released? Sound off in the comments below and let us know.

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