Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Taste for Adventure Updates!

October has been a pretty stellar month for Naughty Dog;  with the release of a novel based on their award-winning franchise UNCHARTED, Nathan Drake’s upcoming movie theater debut, and the Taste For Adventure promotion, the Dogs have been gearing up for the release of their most anticipated game yet, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, and working overtime to make sure it’s perfect.


Since Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was Naughty Dog’s breakout into the multiplayer world, fans of the series were expecting nothing but the best.  With the Taste of Adventure promotion at Subway [which started on October 1rst], players were able to test out the “full” multiplayer experience and provide feedback on the Naughty Dog Forums.  With about a week of endless complaints and praise, changes were made to ensure the best possible experience for players.

“Many of you drew upon your experiences from the Late June/July multiplayer beta and we have been listening to your concerns.  We pushed a new update live today that will address some of those concerns.  The changes include that tweaks to kickbacks, weapons, and the timing of sprint.  Specific changes are:

– Stopping Power is back.

– RPG Kickback cost has changed from 8 medals to 10

– Sprint duration has changed from 6 seconds to 4.5 seconds

– AK-47 recoil is tuned

– G-MAL recoil is tuned.”

– (via the Naughty Dog Blog)

Along with these slight tweaks that have improved the multiplayer experience tremendously, Naughty Dog has announced the next installments [for the multiplayer], which they’ll roll out over the next couple of weeks to keep it fresh (like Subway)!  For a more in-depth introduction to the multiplayer, you can tune into the official introduction video that was posted on the PlayStation Blog last Thursday!

[viddler id=8b886a0b&w=545&h=307]

Be sure to pick up more codes at participating Subway restaurants to complete your collection of Subway items and collect cool extras like the Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Dynamic Theme for your PS3!  With only 23 days left until the release, here’s a list of websites you can rely on, for all news and updates regarding your favorite hero and his latest adventure:

The Game Fanatics (obviously)!


Naughty Dog

PlayStation Blog

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