Dragon Age: Origins


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Grim Fandango headlines PlayStation Plus Games in January

PlayStation Plus is offering 6 new titles in January 2016 with Grim Fandango: Remastered leading the way.

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The Game Fanatics' Favorite Video Game Soundtracks

Video game soundtracks. One of the many great factors that contribute to the mood and feelings that games create and make us feel. Skyrim wouldn’t …

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New Dragon Age Novel Coming Late 2011

David Gaider, who is the lead writer over at Bioware, has been working on yet another novel within the Dragon Age universe. His newest book, …

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Thirty Days of Video Games Day Thirteen – Games Played More Than Five Times

First off, I’m not going to mention the countless times that I’ve played DDR, ITG, any game from the Halo, Tekken or Marvel vs. Capcom …

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Thirty Days of Video Games: Day Seven – Favorite Couple

My favorite video game couple is a bit obvious if you know me and it was an easy one to choose. Yes, there are other video game couples that I like but none that I like more than the relationship between Yuna and Tidus from Final Fantasy X for the PlayStation 2.

Tidus first meets Yuna as she’s walking down the stairs, tired from one of the trails that she has just gone through. The relationship grows from there, despite his teammates telling him that the relationship can never work out because Yuna must sacrifice herself at the end of her pilgrimage.

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Thirty Days of Video Games: Day Five – Who Would You Be?

First character that came to mind was the female lead in Dragon Age: Origins. After some thought however, Gray Wardens only live for another thirty …

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Thirty Days of Video Games: Day Two – Favorite Character

In 2001, SquareSoft released the first voice driven Final Fantasy game for the Playstation 2. The main character was Tidus, a Blitzball player from Zanarkand …

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Dragon Age 2 Demo is Live

At midnight I went to see if the Dragon Age 2 demo was available for download. Unfortunately it wasn’t ready and I cursed the west …

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Fourteenth Annual DICE Winners

The fourteen annual DICE awards have come and gone and we have the list of winners for you. Looks like Mass Effect came out a …

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Top Five Games That I am Looking Forward To

Here’s a list of the five games that I am looking forward to in 2011. What are the games that you are looking forward to …

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One Game Two Formats

I’ve played Dragon Age: Origins so many times on the XB360 that I’ve lost count. I made it my personal mission to get all of …

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Favorite Game That I Played in 2010

There were a lot of good games that came out this year (and bad ones) that I really enjoyed and some that didn’t come out …

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New Dragon Age Witch Hunt DLC Video

If you played as an Dalish Elf in Dragon Age: Origins, the first part of this newest Witch Hunt trailer might be familiar to you. …

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