anarchy reigns


Anarchy Reigns Returns to the Spotlight

It’s been around four month’s since we’ve seen any footage of Anarchy Reigns. And without skipping a beat they’ve returned to the spotlight with some gameplay …

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Anarchy Reigns Triple Shot

Anarchy Reigns is gaining momentum after being shown at this years Tokyo Game Show. The story of Anarchy Regins is still a bit of a mystery to me and quite …

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Anarchy Reigns Double Character Trailer

It seems PlatinumGames are still keeping the public interested in Anarchy Reigns by releasing even more trailers of characters featured in the game. Oddly enough …

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Anarchy Reigns: Durga Character Trailer

Anarchy Reigns is the fourth action-adventure game coming from PlatinumGames, for the PS3 and the Xbox 360. PlatinumGames has made a lot of great games …

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