Legendary X-Men Writer Chris Claremont Returns with Nightcrawler

This April, legendary X-Men writer Chris Claremont returns with the blue elf in his own series. Nightcrawler  will focus on Kurt’s return to life and all of the changes that have occurred since his demise in Second Coming. And I for one couldn’t be more excited. Nightcrawler has long been my favorite X-Man. He’s got an awesome power, very cool look which leads to some very interesting storylines. He’s a swashbuckler and has some of the more interesting friendships in the X-Men family.

“He’s smart, tough, creative [and] daring, with an instinctive understanding of people and situations,” Claremont told Marvel.com. “He has a wicked sense of humor and a devastating charm. As his body’s designed well outside the box of human experience, so too are his thought processes. His ‘normal’ is revolutionary to most people; throw him a problem, he’ll find a way to solve it that’s unique to him. He quite simply is the kind of man [who] others trust; to know him is to have faith in him.”

Two characters that will have a large role in this are two Kurt’s best friends: Wolverine and Kitty Pryde. Wolverine will be Kurt’s guide back to the land of the living, while Kurt will be exploring Kitty’s recent decisions. Either way, it’ll be good to see him reunite. Personally, I’m hoping for Rachel and Hope to show up as well.


It’s a good time to be a Nightcrawler fan (finally). With Amazing X-Men doing well, and a new solo series around the corner, it’s time Kurt Wagner reminded people what it means to be an X-Man. Also, he will soon be playable in Marvel Heroes at the end of the month, so that’s also exciting. If Claremont can bring his A game, we should be in for a treat. Check out Nightcrawler this April, and Amazing X-Men now!



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