Pax West (PAX Prime)
ReCore Could Be The Sleeper Hit The Xbox One Needs | PAX West 2016
Over the course of PAX West 2016, word of mouth may have given no bigger boost to a game on the show floor than Microsoft, …
Time Machine VR Hands-On Preview |PAX Prime 2015
Even though some might classify it as more of a tech demo than an actual game, Time Machine VR is the smoothest VR experience to date.
Prepare To Bring Out Your Inner Rockstar With Rock Band 4 | PAX Prime 2015
After a three year hiatus, Rock Band is back with a new mode, the Free Style Guitar Solo, and a heap of classic nostalgia.
P.O.L.L.E.N Hands-On Preview | PAX Prime 2015
Exploring the mysteries of Saturn’s moon, Titan, while wearing a virtual reality headset in the upcoming exploration game, P.O.L.L.E.N.
LEGO Dimensions Hands-On Preview | PAX Prime 2015
The LEGO games have been a blast to play, but LEGO Dimensions is on track to blow every other entry out of the water by asking “Why not?”
Gassy Mob Hands-On Preview | PAX Prime 2015
Finally, a game called Gassy Mob highlights the most irritating aspect of conventions: the “Crop Duster.”
Hard West Hands-On Preview | PAX Prime 2015
Hard West is what you get when you mix XCOM and a good old fashioned wild west revenge story.
Sorry, This pre-Pax Pokemon Themed Party is Not Available Due to Copyright
Pre-PAX Pokemon themed party gets shut down by Nintendo for copyright reasons.
Rail System Stands From GAEMS Coming to PAX Prime
The new line of Rail System stands are going to be showcased fully at PAX Prime and look to solve gamer mobility issues.
PAX Prime 2014 | Defense Grid 2 Is Serious About Tower Defense
Tower Defense is a genre that has, these days, seemingly been relegated to browser games or smart phone apps. You don’t often see a serious …
PAX Prime 2014 | TOME: Immortal Arena Is A Fresh Take On MOBAs
Today, I got the chance to speak with Kixeye and check out their new MOBA, TOME: Immortal Area. Now, I have no misconceptions, the MOBA …
PAX Prime 2014 | Logitech Shows Off Three New Mice
Over the weekend, Logitech gave me a quick demo of some of their new hardware they’re going to be emphasizing in the coming year. We …
PAX Prime 2014 | S2 Makes Good On Strife Promises
I stopped by S2 Games booth on Monday to wrap up what had been a crazy busy weekend at PAX Prime. I spoke to one …