Cameron Irby
Cameron Irby's Latest Articles
Spooky Times Await in Overwatch’s Halloween Update
Spooky, scary skeletons won’t be the only thing sending shivers down your spine this Halloween, as Blizzard has launched a new seasonal event for Overwatch called Halloween Terror.
Mantis Burn Racing Invites You to Burn Rubber on October 12th
Developer VooFoo Studios will be releasing their first self-published game–Mantis Burn Racing–on October 12, 2016.
In Case You Missed It – Week of September 26 – October 2, 2016
Welcome back to In Case You Missed It, the weekly news roundup from the gaming world! (Except for last week. Oops!)
Incoming Hearthstone Nerfs Make Yogg-Saron Bow Down and Aggro Decks Cry
Blizzard tends to reserve the Nerf Gun for important changes. These are a few that Hearthstone has seen coming for a long time.
One Night Ultimate Werewolf Tabletop Review – Time to Howl
I’ll try to avoid the puns, but One Night Ultimate Werewolf really is a great game with tons of replayability.
Seraph – Fanatical First Impressions
I’ve been trying to progress past this one part in Seraph, the new side-scrolling shoot-em-up by Dreadbit that released this Tuesday. I was doing pretty well for a while, too! But now I’m stuck with a long grind in front of me.
In Case You Missed It – Weekly News Round Up for September 12-18, 2016
In this week’s In Case You Missed It, we’re talking about Pokemon, Adblock, bad tags, Undertale, and Bioshock Remaster. Fun!
Indie Dev Digital Homicide Sues 100 Steam Users, Steam Removes Their Games
Yesterday, independent game developer Digital Homicide filed a lawsuit for $18 million against 100 Steam users and has obtained a subpoena for their identities.
In Case You Missed It – News Roundup for the Week of September 5 – 11, 2016
Another week, another big bunch of stories to cover. Which means it’s time for In Case You Missed It!
New Mass Effect: Andromeda Trailer Showcases the Ryder Family and 4K Resolution
Some new information about the elusive Mass Effect: Andromeda was released last night during Sony’s huge PlayStation announcement.
New Trailer Shows Off Pokemon Sun and Moon’s Differences and More
A new Pokemon trailer released today showcases a new day & night system as well as new Pokemon.
In Case You Missed It – Weekly News Roundup for August 29 – September 4, 2016
Things have been rather interesting here at the Game Fanatics lately. We’re currently planning a move to a new server, so a lot of our …
Google Announces Google Play Early Access Expansion
Today, Google announced that all Google Play developers will be able to post their apps on the Google Play store.