Capcom today announced that two iconic video game characters will be making their presence known exclusively on the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita versions of Street Fighter X Tekken. “Who are these exclusive characters,” you may ask? Well, they’re none other than MegaMan and Pac-Man.
MegaMan fans will most likely be disappointed at Capcom‘s choice of using the MegaMan design featured on the game’s original cover art, looking like a fat, yet muscular homeless Lucha Libré. Most of us here at TGF cringed at the sight of the character design. Pac-Man will also be featured in the game, and he will ride on top of Tekken‘s Mokujin. Kind of an interesting spin, but I still question Capcom‘s decision on these who characters’ designs.
Never-the-less, I think it’s cool that Capcom is trying to include a few different characters in the mix. Just seems like they’re going out of their way though to make the characters “fit in” when I personally believe they would as-is.
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Also included in the trailer are the previously announced exclusives of Cole and the PlayStation mascots Koru and Toro.
Let us know what you think about MegaMan and Pac-Man’s inclusion, and their character designs, in the comments below. Keep checking back for all the latest on Street Fighter X Tekken.