WWE '13 Unveiled + Possible Roster Leak?

Yesterday, THQ released a load of information on the upcoming WWE ’13, including cover art, a trailer, and info on new additions to this year’s entry. In other news, a member of a popular WWE games forum found a trick that may have revealed much of the roster for WWE ’13.

With last years WWE ’12 being problematic, notably for it’s online servers (which still barely function today), THQ is taking a leap of faith with the release of this year’s entry. Many fans have already stated they will not be purchasing it, while others are on the fence and are waiting to see if the game is in much better shape this time around before they purchase. I personally am somewhere in the middle.

WWE Superstar CM Punk is this year’s cover star, gracing the cover art in his signature “Straight Edge” pose. A possible alternate cover featuring John Laurinaitus, who is one of WWE‘s main villians at the moment, has been posted, as well.

In terms of new features, THQ is bringing Predator Technology 2.0 to the table. Predator Technology is the centerpiece of WWE ’12 as it allowed for smoother animations, fluid movements, and a more seamless transition between moves and animations. While this was definitely a step in the right direction, it was a little buggy and sometimes caused moves to be very hard to pull off (ala Rey Mysterio’s “619” finisher). Predator Technology 2.0 has been reworked and is said to deliver “strategic, fluid, and fun WWE action that plays more smoothly than any prior WWE game.

“WWE Universe” mode also makes it’s return with some adjustments and new features. While not much was said as to what these are, if the improvements made in WWE ’12‘s “Universe 2.0” compared to WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2011‘s original “Universe” mode, we’re in for a treat. Let’s just hope we have more freedom in editing the shows and rosters than we did last year.

The big selling point this year is the return of the Attitude Era, when WWE and pro-wrestling in general were at it’s absolute hottest. WWE ’13 will be bringing 32 of the biggest stars of the Attitude Era back including the Undertaker, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Mankind, The Rock, and there’s even been confirmation from Road Dogg on twitter that himself, X-Pac, and “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn will be in the game. Those of you who were fans of WWE back in 1996-2001 are in for a treat this year.

Check out the reveal trailer below!

[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DarQMM5iyT_o img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/arQMM5iyT_o/0.jpg embed=true share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over skin=dangdang.swf bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

For the past few years, people around the web have used HTML and URL tricks to leak the roster, usually with fairly accurate results (last year’s was spot on, including DLC).  Despite how it’s worked in the past, take this list with a grain of salt.

[toggle_box title=”Possible Roster Leak” width=”600″]

Alberto Del Rio
Big Show
Booker T
Brock Lesnar
Brodus Clay
CM Punk
Chris Jericho
Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan
David Otunga
Dolph Ziggler
Heath Slater
Jack Swagger
Jinder Mahal
John Cena
Justin Gabriel
Kevin Nash
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Santino Marella
Sin Cara
Ted DiBiase
The Great Khali
The Miz
The Rock
Triple H
Wade Barrett
Zack Ryder

Alicia Fox
Beth Phoenix
Brie Bella
Kelly Kelly
Nikki Bella

Big Bossman
Big Show (Attitude)
Billy Gunn
Bret Hart
British Bulldog
Cactus Jack
Chris Jericho (Attitude)
Christian (Attitude)
Dude Love
Eddie Guerrero
Kane (Attitude)
Ken Shamrock
Mark Henry (Attitude)
Mike Tyson
Mr. McMahon
Road Dogg
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Stephanie McMahon
Stone Cold
The Rock (Attitude)
Triple H (Attitude)
Trish Stratus
Undertaker (Attitude)

With Nikki and Brie Bella leaving WWE recently, they’re likely to be removed before the game is released. We’re expecting more details at E3, so keep checking back to TGF for more updates on WWE ’13 and a the chaos that E3 brings!

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