THQ's Former Office Still Occupied With Games, Consoles, And Giant Space Marines

When THQ closed its doors after more than 20 years of operation, it was a death that came slow and agonizing until the bitter end.

It has now been over a year since its staff had evicted their office but according to a Reddit user, Soulessgingr – whose company just moved into the building – much of THQ’s memorabilia were left in the premises.

THQ's leftover statue, courtesy of Soulessgingr
THQ’s leftover Space Marine, courtesy of Soulessgingr

Soulessgingr had taken several pictures and compiled them in his album. Some of these include a massive Warhammer Space Marine statue, posters of games the company released like Darksiders 2 and games it didn’t, such as Saint’s Row: The ThirdEnter the Dominatrix and South Park: The Stick of Truth (which was ultimately published by Ubisoft).

Other relics left behind by the one-time famed company consisted of TVs, monitors and routers. Even their awards and some developer kits for the Playstation 2, GameCube, Playstation 3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii and Wii U were left to languish.

According to Soulessgingr, “The building manager purchased all the stuff that was left and THQ also left some stuff(hardware mostly) because they owed a lot of money for back rent. At least that is what one person told me a few hours ago.”

The Reddit post since it was made, has attracted a few posters claiming to have worked for THQ. One such user, MagicArc, said, “When we closed the QA building we were allowed to take what we wanted, (although) sadly I wasn’t around for the end of the main office.”

With THQ as a company gone, there is no one to return the items to, so many of the posters and games are likely to be kept by the new company’s staff – several of whom are fans. Some might even be given as gifts to family and friends.

As for the giant Space Marine statue?

“I think the statue is going in our games/break room tbh,” posted Soulessgingr.

More pictures below:

Credits: Source, Images

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