Thirty Days of Video Games Day Seventeen – Favorite Antagonist

As far as favorite antagonists goes, Sephiroth is the most common, feared and loved at the same time. Sephiroth is the product of an experiment done by Shrina where they used the cells of JENOVA to create him, giving Sephiroth the God Complex. He’s done some pretty bad things as the bad guy but in my opinion, he hasn’t done enough to gain my top stop for favorite antagonist.

Ever since I’ve played Final Fantasy VI, Kefka Palazzo has always stood out as my favorite antagonist and to this day can run circles around Sephiroth and other villains. Some might find his clothes and make-up a bit bizarre but lets not forget that another villain likes to don makeup and a purple suit. I’m not comparing the Joker with Kefka, I’m just saying that both are equally mad even when wearing clown make-up. That’s what makes Kefka so great, is that he is mad and he has no plan but to cause complete chaos. Like Sephiroth, Kefka was part of an experiment, whereas for Kefka it was for Magitek infusion, which allowed Kefka to use magic but it also twisted his mind even more.

Kefka used a slave crown to control a young girl, shot a man for no reason, poisoned the water supply of a town and destroyed the world as we know it. Kefka is chaotic, funny, without remorse oh and he hates everyone and everything and tends to get sand on his boots. He is the ultimate antagonist as he doesn’t really care and will laugh in your face about it as well.

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