My system of choice and that I prefer over the other two current systems is the XB360. Even when a game comes out for both 360 and Ps3, I will always get it for the XB360 without hesitation.
I have more friends on 360, I enjoy the interface and the achievements, which is why I prefer this system. I do strive to get achievements and in some cases make it a priority to 100 percent in a game but certain achievements I just won’t bother with, like online achievements.
Its funny how I rather play 360 instead of another system since I used to be a PlayStation fangirl and I loathed the original Xbox. I even called it an over sized paper weight. Nowadays I play my 360 far more than the Ps3. Granted, the Ps3 does have a few good exclusives like Heavy Rain and GT4 but I feel I get more out of my 360 than the Ps3 or even the Wii.
As far as my favorite system goes, yea, the 360 is up there right next to the Ps2. I do have a few retro systems that are very high on my list, but that’s for another day.