Valve Corporation


ELEAGUE’S Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Major Championship To Be Held in Atlanta

Do you like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive? Do you like esports? Do you like Major Championships? Do you like being in a beautiful venue with tons of other fans screaming your heart out because you’re so into the match? We have good news for you.

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Thirty Days of Video Games Day Thirty – The One Game Everyone Should Play

There’s a few games out there that I would recommend that everyone plays but it will be the same games that I’ve talked about during …

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Get a free game thanks to Steam's screw up

Good ‘ole Valve, noticing the harsh economic times that us gamers are facing decided to throw us a bone. According to the Steam client, we …

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Alien Swarm – Free Game from Valve

Valve just recently announced Alien Swarm and they also released this game via Steam for free. You really can’t pass up a free game but …

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