La Pucelle: Tactics Launches On PSN!
Enis Tezcan
September 12, 2012
Mastiff Games was pleased to announce that La Pucelle: Tactics, a tactical RPG launched for the Sony PlayStation Network (PSN). La Pucelle: Tactics is a …
Ghost Recon Online: Beta Impressions
Nick Pinkerton
September 7, 2012
Team Fortress 2, Blacklight: Retribution, and Tribes Ascend are some of the most popular free-to-play shooters today. They please the masses with fast action, loud …
E3 2012 | Kinect Integration Announced for EA Sports Titles
Jasdeep Sahota
June 4, 2012
EA have announced that Fifa and Madden will use voice-based Kinect integration for the first time.