Super Mario Maker
Upcoming Games December 2016
Eva Escribano
November 30, 2016
The last month of 2016 is just around the corner and new titles keep on showing up. If you do not want to miss those out, check our list of upcoming games for December!
Nintendo Brings Super Mario Maker to Public Library
Mike Eaton
March 17, 2016
Nintendo and the San Francisco Public Library are teaming up to do a game design program for kids using Super Mario Maker.
New Super Mario Maker Trailer Reveals Tons of New Features
Andrew Willard
August 15, 2015
Nintendo has recently released a brand new trailer for Super Mario Maker that shows off a lot of new features that we did not know …
Super Mario Maker Levels on Disc to Number Around 60
Andrew Willard
August 9, 2015
Nintendo has apparently recruited Michel Ancel of Rayman fame to design one of the many, but not quite 100, Super Mario Maker levels.