star wars the knights of the old republic
What We Played for Week Ending January 15
Jennifer Kibble
January 16, 2012
This is a weekly segment where we share what games we are currently playing for our readers to get to know us a bit better. …
Thirty Days of Video Games Day Fourteen – WTF Moments
Jennifer Kibble
March 20, 2011
WTF moments in a video game are just that. Those moments that make you say WTF aloud and that have your jaw on the ground. …
Thirty Days of Video Games Day Thirteen – Games Played More Than Five Times
Jennifer Kibble
March 19, 2011
First off, I’m not going to mention the countless times that I’ve played DDR, ITG, any game from the Halo, Tekken or Marvel vs. Capcom …
The Old Republic Will Stand Ten Years Strong
Jennifer Kibble
December 8, 2010
Both EA and Bioware believe that Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO has the potential to stay strong up to ten years, perhaps more. This …