

Nintendo Ready To Usher In Another Gaming Revolution: Could This Be The Wii 2

Is an E3 reveal for the next Generation Wii too soon? My thoughts after the jump. Anyone that knows me knows that I grew up …

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Hilarious New Mario Bros. (Video)

I found this video on Youtube the other day and could not contain myself. This is such a great clip. This is not a real …

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Thirty Days of Video Games Day Eighteen – Favorite Protagonist

You have Mario who has saved the Princess several times over and who has also saved the Mushroom Kingdom from certain doom. There’s Sonic who …

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Thirty Days of Video Games: Day Four – Your Guilty Pleasure Game

My current guilty pleasure game is the new You Don’t Know Jack game for the XB360. I can’t recall if I played the older versions …

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Thirty Days of Video Games: Day One – Very First Video Game

I’ve been using Tumblr more and more recently and one of the things that I came across are the “30 Days” of something, be it …

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Nintendo Aren't All That Bad

Okay, you might think that Nintendo is simply a company that exists to service the ever growing market of the casual gamers who are sucking …

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The Christmas Nintendo Stocking

George Marriott runs downstairs in anticipation on Nintendo goodies, and finds some.

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The First Annual Achievement Unlocked Gaming Awards – Part One

Every year we see the release of many, many new games. Most are between okay and absolutely terrible, but some are excellent, and as with …

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Good Wii Games

George Marriott flails around to show the gold in the Wii.

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Nintendo's Black Friday Keeps The Company Out Of The Red – Update

Thanksgiving “Black Friday” is when many U.S. consumers flock to retail stores for holiday shopping, and as such it often acts as a bellweather for …

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Go buy yourself something nice!

Fun, kitsch, obscure, awesome. Products based on video games that don’t try too hard or appeal to the hipster masses. Everyone (even your mom) knows …

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