final fantasy
Introducing Final Fantasy Crystal Conquest
SquareEnix has been hinting at a new Final Fantasy game recently. Many thought it would be Final Fantasy Tactics 2, however alas, that is not …
Muisc and RPG Elements Collide with Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
The 25th anniversary of the Final Fantasy series is this year and to start off the celebration, SquareEnix is releasing the first RPG/music Final Fantasy …
Free Update for Square Enix's Imaginary Range Available Now for iOS Devices
Square Enix recently released a free update for it’s interactive, full-color comic, Imaginary Range. Imaginary Range is a comic developed by Square Enix that includes …
Final Fantasy 13-2: Sazh Heads or Tails DLC Announced
On February 28th, Final Fantasy 13-2 will have another DLC avaiable for download for the Ps3 and XB360 for the price of $4.99. This DLC …
Final Fantasy X: Remake? Remaster? Remix?
When Final Fantasy X was announced for Ps3 and Vita, we were told that it would be getting the HD treatment. Since that time several …
Final Fantasy XIII-2 : The Variety Trailer
It’s no secret that recent Final Fantasy titles have dome some damage to the it’s formerly stellar reputation. Given the events of the past few years …
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Demo Impressions
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is the direct sequel to 2009’s RPG, which now follows Serah Farron, Lightning’s younger sister. Whenever you hear about a sequel to …
Demo for Final Fantasy XIII-2 Out Now
Not sure about the direct sequel to Final Fantasy XIII? Fear not, the demo for FFXIII-2 is out now on XBL and PsN. You will …
Final Fantasy Origins on PsN
For those who never got the chance to pick up Final Fantasy Origins back in 2003, here’s your chance! As of January 10th, both Final …
Final Fantasy X Getting More Than An HD Remake
A few months back we reported that Final Fantasy X will get an HD treatment and will be released for Ps3 and Vita for their …
TGF Press Start Week Ending December 11
This is a weekly segment where we share what games we are currently playing for our readers to get to know us a bit better. …
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Battle System Trailer
Square Enix has launched another trailer for FFXIII-2 and in this one, the battle system is showcased. It shows off that the Paradigm Shift will …
Ezio to be in Final Fantasy XIII-2
Sort of. At least as a DLC and its only his clothes. Ezio’s clothes can be worn by Noel and they feature the style from …