Arkham Origins


Cold, Cold Heart DLC For Arkham Origins Available This April

One of Batman’s more iconic foes, Mr. Freeze, is making his way to Batman: Arkham Origins. Cold, Cold Heart brings to life the chilling origins …

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Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate Deluxe Available April 1st

From the team that brought you Batman: Arkham Origins, comes a download only HD port of the portable Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. Previously only available on the PlayStation …

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Press Start | This is What We Played

Happy next generation week and welcome to Press Start! We talk about the games that we here at The Game Fanatics have been playing.

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Batman: Arkham Origins Review | Has the Caped Crusader Worn His Welcome?

There’s an old expression: “You can never have too much of a good thing.” Whoever came up with that didn’t play Batman: Arkham Origins.

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Batman: Arkham Origins Launch Trailer

My friends, the time is almost at hand. The time that was oft foretold is nigh. Batman: Arkham Origins will be hitting store shelves tomorrow, a scant twenty …

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Batman: Arkham Origins TV Spot

Holy coming of age montage, Batman! Batman: Arkham Origins has a new trailer! If you’ve watched television lately, you may have seen this TV Spot somewhere along …

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Batman: Arkham Origins Coming to iOS and Android

Holy touch interface, Batman! Batman: Arkham Origins will be coming to your favorite mobile app store this holiday season (assuming your favorite app store is either iOS …

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I Am the Night Mode Revealed for Batman: Arkham Origins

Yes you are, Mr. Wayne. Yes you are. A new mode for Batman: Arkham Origins has been announced: I Am The Night. This difficulty mode will unlock …

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Batman: Arkham Origins Season Pass Announced

A season pass has been announced for Batman: Arkham Origins. This pass will allow you to get a bunch of content (thirty dollars worth) for $19.99. …

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No Multiplayer for Wii U Version of Arkham Origins

In what appears to be a slight towards Nintendo, Warner Brothers has announced that the Wii U version of Arkham Origins will not include the newly touted …

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Batman: Arkham Origins Multiplayer Confirmed

WB Games unveiled a surprisingly fun-looking multiplayer addition to Batman: Arkham Origins today.

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Copperhead and Mad Hatter Revealed for Arkham Origins

Two more villains have been revealed for Batman: Arkham Origins, Copperhad, and Mad Hatter. The Mad Hatter, aka Jervis Tetch, is an Alice in Wonderland obsessed technology …

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E3 2013 | Arkham Origins Gameplay Trailer

This week at E3, we were presented with a new gameplay trailer from the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins. Looks fantastic. In addition to Slade Wilson (Deathstroke), the …

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