We all like to play video games, right? Of course we do! If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be fanatics! Well how about if you not only play games…but play them in 3D? Well my friend, your prayers have been answered.
Recently, Sony announced in Japan, that their console will be getting a 3.20 firmware update. The new firmware update is expected to hit June 10th. In this update, you will be able to play popular titles in 3D, such as Wipeout HD, Super Stardust HD and Pain. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift will also be playable, but in in a demo format.
Sony didn’t stop there. They will have the ability to watch blu-ray movies, 3DBD is what they call it, by the end of the year. So now only will you be able to fly your hovercraft, but hopefully see Iron Man in 3D as well.
So in a nutshell: set your calenders to a week from Thursday, because you will be on the ride of your life. Ok, not really, but it is really cool.
Thanks for the tip Andriasang! [via VG247]