It looks like PC gamers will soon be able to get in on the stylish fighting antics that Xbox Live and PSN players have already been enjoying. Autumn Games has announced that Skullgirls will be making its way to PC via a variety of digital distribution services later this year.
“Since the day we announced Skullgirls, many gamers have been asking for news of a PC release,” said Jason Donnell, president and COO, Autumn Games. “With the console versions recently launched, Reverge Labs is turning its focus to updating the game and bringing Skullgirls’ action to PC gamers. We’re thrilled with the very positive reception the game has received, and the great support and feedback we’ve been getting from the community on a number of ways to make the game even better, and we’re excited to be working on answering those requests.”

Skullgirls features eight unique female brawlers in a stylized “dark deco” world all competing for a magical artifact called a Skull Heart. The Skull Heart grants wishes…but if the victor is deemed impure they are cursed into becoming a Skullgirl a “…fearful instrument of their twisted wish.” An exact release date hasn’t been announced yet, but the PC version of Skullgirls will be available for download through GameFly, GamersGate, GameStop PC Downloads, Origin, and Steam.