Press Start | This is What We Played

Welcome to Press Start! Every week The Game Fanatics dive into what we’ve been playing. We promise, no spoilers!


I have been playing Guild Wars 2 quite a bit lately and it has been really entertaining. World vs World can consume hours and hours of your night when rolling with a huge group of players. My main is an Elementalist and his dps is through the roof so he’s been my main focus gaining about 7 levels over the last five days. I have restarted Persona 4 Golden on Vita, and will now be grinding out a Platinum Trophy run. The game is so great that replay value is high for this game, get a Vita and play it!!!!


Still going through FF14. It’s a lot of fun but I might be losing interest in it with all the Fall games coming out soon. On a note semi related to that, GOG put up one of my favorite games of all time this week, Shadow Man. I had never thought to see it on there since Acclaim Entertainment was the developer and publisher and they went under a few years ago. Anyway, I have once again become fully sucked into Shadow Man. The gameplay is a mix of Zelda and Metroid, with a strong horror theme throughout. If you are a fan of either of those games, it is a must play to see the unique world/level designs. It’s some of the best in the genre. They just don’t make games like this anymore. There’s no tutorial or anything, you are dropped into this world and left to explore and figure everything out. It’s a joy to explore just to see what else there is as things get more and more crazy (one area’s background music features several different people screaming). It also holds up very well if you can get past the old school controls. For $6, you really can’t go wrong.


Played some Rock Band 3 and made a little bit more progress with my Agent’s story in SWTOR. Finished up the preseason in Madden 25 and played my first regular reason game. Madden 25 really knows how to pump me up for football. Also, I yell at the screen as much as I do when I play Halo. I picked up Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix and GTA V this weekend. Both games will keep me busy for a while. And I need to stop taking scenic pictures in GTA V.

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