Press Start | Here's What We Played

Press Start is back! This is where we at The Game Fanatics dive into what we’ve been playing this past week. No worries, you won’t find any spoilers here.

Chante: I’m currently playing my first run through of BioShock Infinite on my PS3. Now I know why the game got such raving reviews, it’s rather awesome. It’s beautifully made and the storyline has this ability of making me blink twice with shock. I’ve managed to avoid major spoilers so far, but I’ve got to ask: What on earth is that thing that’s flying after me?!

Darrin: Titanfall (PC/Xb1) – Just check out my review, there’s nothing more I can say other than “fun as hell.” Also been playing Strike Suit Zero (PC) – a fun indie game that combines fighter jets with mechs in space. Think “Transformers” and you’ll get what I mean. Also, Strider (PC/PS4/Xb1/PS3/Xb360) has been a fantastic remake of an arcade/Genesis/NES classic. tgftitanfall

Jake: While being without an Xbox One still, I’ve been trying Dark Souls 1. *Frell* that *poop*. *Frell* that *frelling* mother *frelling* *poop* with a *frelling* fork.

((I would like to point out that yes, I am a fan of Farscape and I am glad I was given the chance to use it to represent Jake’s feelings towards Dark Souls and not having his XBO. – Jen))

Jeff: With the announcement of Batman: Arkham Knight, I decided it was time to aim for as close to 100% completion as possible in Arkham City, something I’ve never went for. Well, maybe a LEGO game. Dozens of hours later, I’m getting close, but those challenge maps look very intimidating. I’m also going through last year’s Tomb Raider reboot, and it’s surprising me more than I anticipated. The open, Metroid-meets-Elder Scrolls environment design is a wonderful addition to a game like this.

NBA-2K14-LeBronCharles: I played through Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag on my PS4, having already beat it on the PS3 I was really hesitant to jump right back into it, but the game is so incredibly fun, I couldn’t put thee controller down. Also, playing with the companion app added a great deal of fun. Taking my time with Need for Speed, and of course, always playing some NBA 2K.

Jen: Since 2014 has started, I’ve been playing less, which sadness me. I’ve been busy writing, reading, trying to finish up Star Trek Voyager and I’ve dived into Supernatural. This week I played a little bit on my PS2 and Xbox with In the Groove and Dance Dance Revolution. I also decided to start playing Killer Instinct again. I played so much of that game at launch and then, without warning, went cold turkey. They’ve polished a few things since the last time I’ve played. I also got the urge to play Dragon Age Origins on my PC. That game is playable and tolerable on both console and PC, which is somewhat rare. Either a game plays well on a console or on the PC but not both. I feel comfortable playing Dragon Age Origins on either.I wonder if Dragon Age Inquisition will be the same way.

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