New Festival Queen Skin Has Anivia Looking Fly

Festival Queen Anivia is the new vibrant and colorful skin that’s landing on Summoner’s Rift sometime soon.

The skin is coming out around the time of Brazil’s Carnival, and that’s no coincidence. Riot collaborated with its Brazilian offices to come up with an accurate, appealing skin to celebrate the festival. It’s unusual for Riot to connect with its other regions for skins, but they did it anyway for this one. On the Brazilian servers this skin is going to be named “CarnAnivia,” a great play on words that other regions won’t get to enjoy.

Festival Queen Anivia In-Game

Carnival is a significant celebration in Brazil, and this year it will be taking place February 24 to March 1. The festival is packed with performances, live tunes, and some dynamic costumes. Festival Queen Anivia was created with all of those themes in mind, and the splash art shows that. The skin will likely be released during that time frame or earlier on PBE patch 7.4.

The skin has an importance to the Brazilian community, and apparently that’s what Riot Games tried to portray. IGN Brazil did an in-depth look at the skin and its significance.

“It’s been over a year now that we had this idea, but the first serious talk was six or seven months ago. We understand it as a victory, and we are pleased and happy with this project.”

-Márcio Orlandi, Director of Riot Games League of Legends in Brazil. (via Google Translate)

Currently the price for Festival Queen Anivia is 975 RP. This seems like an odd price point because a lot of her skills have added affects in this skin. Her Flash Frost is turned pink and explodes confetti, her wall is turned into a nice gradient with some added garnish, and she turns into a multicolored egg during her passive.

Players will probably get a chance to try the skin out during the next PBE cycle.

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