Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is joining the collector’s edition club with its main character continuing to drive the series forward.
In a show of how far the property has come since the original, Electronic Arts is putting up a substantial collector’s edition for fans to pre-order revolving, much like the property itself, around protagonist Faith. The centerpiece of this edition, Faith is represented both in adult and child form on the same 14 inch statue in fairly intricate detail. EA officially labels this a diorama, indicating that this represents a journey she is meant to take in this second Mirror’s Edge game.

Around that centerpiece are smaller items that give a window into Faith’s world, and may even help you feel like her. The box and steel case both have her trademark eye tattoo silhouette while a limited edition lithograph and pieces of concept art give you a look at her world as the team at DICE originally pictured. Rounding out the edition are two temporary tattoos: one of her arm pattern and another of that trademark eye again.
As mentioned before, this edition can be seen as a landmark for this franchise. The original Mirror’s Edge never received a widespread collector’s edition with EA only selling one exclusively through their site alone, which promptly sold out. When the game did release, over 2 million copies of the original game were sold and fans wanted a sequel almost immediately with the first-person parkour and vocal female protagonist hitting it off with the world. This sequel then had to wait for next-gen hardware as EA described putting Catalyst on the PS3, Wii and 360 wave of hardware as “not possible.”

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will be coming sometime in early 2016 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. The Collector’s Edition will retail at $199.99, is available for any of the release consoles and is available for pre-order now through Gamestop with other retailers to follow.
(Source: All Games Beta)