Embark on a fantastical journey to the Red Planet in this new Sci-Fi RPG known as Mars War Logs, developed by Spider Studios. Mars War Logs takes place a few hundred years into the future on Mars where colonization has gone awry and a civil war has ensued. Your combat style, dialogue choices, and the decisions you make will affect and influence everything your team faces, and possibly the fate of Mars and its colonies.
Given the option to choose your perks, skills, and combat style, you and your team will face many obstacles in hopes of restoring order to the Red Planet. You’re probably wondering “what exactly will I encounter?” Well, for starters, how does monsters, mutants, religious extremists, and bandits sought out to kill you sound? Not only are you fighting to survive against living creatures, but you’re faced with natural disasters as well: treacherous landscapes, large, dangerous slums, and an unbearable sun (just to name a few)!
“If solar radiation doesn’t strip your skin off, the dangerous creatures will take on the task with incredible ferocity.”
You can expect Mars War Logs to hit Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and PC in Spring of 2013; there is no definite date as of right now. For all information regarding Mars War Logs, visit the official MWL website! You can also check out the trailer below: