If you are a Madden fan like me, you probably pre-order the game every year, even though you know it will probably be a rehash. One thing is for sure, we want that demo, so we can see if the game is going to be the same. Well thanks to the good folks over at Gamespot, demo details are officailly in.
Let’s start off with the difference from last year. If you pre-ordered Madden NFL 10, you were granted access to a special demo. Well, it wasn’t that special. With your demo you were able to play five-minute quarters, whereas the public only had access to one-minute quarters.
Another fact is that the actual teams you will be playing with. Usually, EA Sports just does a rematch of the Super Bowl. Not this year. The company thought it would be better if the fans choose which teams should play. Well, you guys have spoken. According to the votes, the two teams will be New York Jets vs Indianapolis Colts. Personally, I would prefer another Super Bowl match up, being that Brees is on the cover (remember the cover for last year.)
With the new gameflow feature, it will be implenmented into the demo. Also, you will be able to change your difficulty settings, which are: Rookie, Pro, All-Pro, All-Madden. We will also get to see how the new announcer, Gus Johnson, will be in this game.
Expect the Madden demo to be released on the Playstation Network and Xbox Live on July 27. If you haven’t pre-ordered already, expect the retail release on August 10. We will be having a midnight play night, as I will be attending a local GameStop release party. We know one thing, some people in New York will not download the demo.