Last week during at the Star Citizen fan event, CitizenCon in Frankfurt, Intel announced the release of their new hyper fast storage solution. The Optane SSD 900P like of products are Intel’s latest PCIe NVMe 3.0 SSDs that provide faster read/write times than previous standard SATA storage solutions.
The Optane SSD 900P is available right now in both 280 and 480GB sizes. SSDs such as these are popular for animators in that they can render 3D assets extremely fast. Gamers can also benefit as the load times of 4K games can greatly improve with it. In addition to the performance, Intel also says that the drives should last 22 times longer than similar storage devices on the market.
To promote the drives, Intel is partnering with developer Robert Space Industries to show benefits of the Optane SSD 900P to the not-yet-released space sim, Star Citizen. The two companies will give away a free in-game ship to everyone who buys the newly released drive for a limited time.