Heroes & Generals, the highly anticipated massively online shooter by Roto-Moto has entered its closed beta stage, and is enlisting the help of gamers for fine tuning.
Players of Heroes & Generals will be transported from their browsers to a WWII battlefield to fight between axis and allied forces in a constant war for European dominance. From the trenches of an axis foot soldier to the skies of a precise, bomb-dropping pilot, to the tank battalions of a gunner and to the ace commanders and US army generals directing the show, each player chooses their destiny.
Heroes & Generals will be accessible to a massive range of players due to its easy access from browsers, and soon from smartphones and tablets.
Roto-Moto hopes to revive the stagnant genre of multiplayer WWII shooters by taking cues from player feedback during the beta stage. Players can enlist for a Beta-key now on the Heroes & Generals community site.
One of the Heroes & Generals beta videologs:
Heroes & Generals- Beta Videolog 1
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