Sony has unveiled new picks for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, just in time for this year’s Gamescom, and this is the rundown.
First off, Ratchet and Clank’s namesakes will be members of the roster, with series favorites, such as the Combusto Pistol, the Tesla Spikes, the R.Y.N.O, and even the ability to call Mr. Zurkon into the fray for a bit of extra help. Clank will be an ally too, his Chronoscepter in tow.

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From Ape Escape, we have Spike. As important a series as Ape Escape has been from the Playstation’s start, this character’s inclusion is pivotal. Spike will be able to attack effectively from long or short range with appropriate weapons, and will also carry his remote control car fans will love. And what Ape Escape fight wouldn’t be complete without monkeys? They too will join at Spike’s disposal.
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Dante from Devil May Cry is next, sure to be a favorite with his stylish combat style. Players will utilize creativity and speed, equipped with his classic gun and sword combo, using both to eliminate enemies in new and interesting ways. Players will be allowed to put Dante up against other choreographed fighters, like Kratos.

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The final new entry is Sackboy from LittleBigPlanet, a cute character who can scrap. The goal here is unique, interesting moves to put the spotlight on Sackboy when he’s in use. The Cakeinator and Bounce Pad are available, allowing this competitor to attack from a range and move enemies back to a safe distance.
While these are the new characters, a new level also has been added to the roster, Stoneways, from Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. It’s design puts players in both long- and short-range situations, forcing thought and strategy.

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With these new additions, it looks like PlayStation All-Star Battle Royale will be an action-packed rumbler, sure to please fighter fans and fans of its respective characters’ games alike.
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