E3 2012 | Beyond: Two Souls — Ellen Page Stars In A New PS3 Title

Sony kicked off their E3 2012 press conference with a sneak peek at the newest addition to the Quantic Dream family, Beyond: Two SoulsMany people thought that the trailer shown a few weeks ago called Kara was going to be the newest title being developed by Quantic Dream. In reality, it was only a test to see if emotion could be conveyed and shown in real time on the PlayStation 3. Beyond takes us into the world of Jodie Holmes, voiced and motion captured by Academy Award nominee Ellen Page.

The world of Beyond revolves around one simple yet complex idea, death. Jodie has always been connected to the other side since she could remember, and she’s being chased by the law for some undisclosed reason(s) at the moment.

Beyond: Two Souls is a PlayStation 3 exclusive that looks to offer the one of a kind of story and gameplay experience that Quantic Dream and writer/director David Cage are famously known to offer with their titles since Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain. 

David Cage said that they’ll be releasing more news for Beyond within the next month, so keep an eye out on The Game Fanatics for more news. For now, take a look at the trailer shown at Sony‘s press conference this year a few moments ago.

[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DklG8BGQLhQ4%26feature%3Drelated img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/klG8BGQLhQ4/0.jpg embed=true share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over skin=dangdang.swf bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

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