Deep Silver presents Sacred Citadel and Secret Files 3 at GamesCom 2012

As we are all fully aware GamesCom is right around the corner, and Deep Silver has announced two new playable games to be shown at their public booth. This will be the first chance for gamers to go hands-on with the side-scrolling action game Sacred Citadel and the point and click adventure Secret Files 3.

If you’re lucky enough to be attending, you can find both playable games at the Deep Silver booth located in Hall 7 B041/C040.

For those of you who won’t be able to make it, I’ll be at GamesCom screaming like a little girl during the entire convention. I’ll be checking out Deep Silver’s booth and keeping you all informed between screams.


Sacred Citadel


Three warriors unite against an evil that threatens to enslave the once peaceful world of Ancaria. Lord Zane’s Ashen Empire has created an army of Grimmocs, modified Orc henchmen at war with the Seraphim. Only when these heroes unite and use their skills to support each other they will stand a chance!

The side-scrolling action brawler Sacred Citadel, a new standalone title that is set in the rich universe of Sacred, will reinvent the familiar arcade feel of classic brawlers while setting a new standard for the future of side scrolling hack and slash games.

The events in Sacred Citadel will act as a prologue to the next chapter of the Sacred story and will unveil an intriguing secret about the Seraphim that will directly relate to the action RPG Sacred 3, currently in development by keen games and to be released in 2013.

Check out the Sacred Citadel trailer right here.

[stream provider=youtube flv=x:/ embed=true share=true width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over skin=imeo.swf bandwidth=high autostart=false /]


You can follow for updates on everything Sacred World on the Official Sacred World Facebook page.



Secret Files 3


The classic point & click adventure Secret Files 3 from developer Animation Arts features a movie-quality storyline and a great variety of locations, among other things. The new game follows the tradition of its popular predecessorsSecret Files: Tunguska and Secret Files 2, combining a gripping story with entertaining gameplay, logical puzzles and gorgeous graphics. This third installment is supported by an experienced team of authors from NEOS Film, who have already successfully worked on TV and movie productions and are now called upon to help develop the plot, drama, and progress of the characters. The Bavarian FilmFernsehFonds sponsored this cooperation as part of its games support program.

Here is the Secret Files 3 trailer that was released last year.

[stream provider=youtube flv=x:/ embed=true share=true width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over skin=imeo.swf bandwidth=high autostart=false /]


If you want to stay updated on Secret Files 3 info, there is also a Secret Files Games Facebook page.

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