The Comic Fanatic: Week of 5/9 – Avengers, Mind the Gap, Avengers VS X-Men, Wolverine and the X-Men, Uncanny X-Force

Holy hole in a doughnut, Batman! We have a ton of comics today! My stack this week from Greg’s was the biggest in recent memory. So let’s get right into it.

First of all, make sure you check out our Avengers podcast. Me, William, Angela, Seth and Logan had a good time discussing the movie. Listen to it for the full details, but really, if you haven’t see it, please do. It is a really great movie, and it is very clearly Joss Whedon’s work. The dialogue has his signature written all over it. The characters are well done, the camera work is fantastic, the action is great, and it is rather funny. Do yourself a favor and go see it.

New this week we have Uncanny X-Force #25. This issue reminds us why Rick Remender is one of the best character writers in the business nowadays. In this issue, the strain of past events finally reach critical for Psylocke and Fantomex, leaving their status with the team unknown. Deadpool however, is overjoyed to fulfill his role as scout/decoy/cannon fodder. Uncanny X-Force, unlike every other Marvel book out there, is not taking part in the Avengers VS X-Men spectacular. Having proven that he writes best when left to his own devices, Remender has free reign over Uncanny X-Force and it is consistently one of the best books each month.

Also, we have Wolverine and the X-Men #10, which IS part of Avengers VS X-Men. Cyclops visits the school to enlist them in the fight, and the staff is a bit reluctant to put the kids in danger, resulting in a short fight (which Krakoa quickly stops). I love Krakoa. It definitely helps when the ground itself is a member of the team. It also shows how big of a dick Cyclops, Emma Frost and Magik can be. Seriously, it seems most of Cyclops’ crew is comprised of assholes. Perhaps the more interesting part of this book features Angel and Evan (Kid Apocalypse), two of the more troubled members of the cast. On the opposite end of the spectrum from Cyclops’ team, the cast at the school is rather interesting and dynamic.

X-Men Legacy # 266 is their mandatory tie in. Rogue and the rest of the Legacy crew face down with some of the second (and third) rate Avengers. It’s not a bad issue, but it definitely feel forced. I do miss Mike Carey’s writing. Christos Gage just doesn’t seem to have as firm of grasp on the characters, which is a shame. I love Legacy, it features some of my favorite characters (Rogue, Gambit, Rachel Grey). I finally got my issue of Avengers VS X-Men VERSUS. Skippable, but the next issue should be fun, as it features Gambit VS Captain America. As much I love Captain A, I hope Gambit kicks his ass. Spider-man VS Colossus could be funny.

Mind the Gap debuted recently, and I loved this first issue. It’s the great start to what I hope turns out to be a fascinating mystery story. Invincible #91 is also now available, and continues the trend of Invincible awesomeness. Seriously, if you’re not reading Invincible, WHY NOT? Seriously, it’s one of the best comics you’ll read. Trust me. Fatale #5 might be the best one of the series yet. We finally start to put the pieces of Josephine’s past together, and I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes, any day. She has a rough time. Luckily, she’s one badass chick. A couple back issues – Nonplayer #1 and American Vampire #24 were in my bag. Great comics.

So there you have it. A fantastic week in the world of comics. Join us next week for the next Avengers VS X-Men . Hopefully we’ll have some progress with the story.

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