In Case You Missed It – Gaming News for the Week of January 23 – 29, 2017

Laaaaadies and gentlemen! In this corner, we’ve got the news of the past week. Forgotten, overlooked, and too minor for most people to care about, Last Week’s News is ready to make a comeback. In the other corner, we have–Wait! I do not believe it! It’s the return of the world champion–IN CASE YOU MISSED IT!

“That’s right, TGF! I’m In Case You Missed It, the best when in comes to handling Last Week’s News. And I’m gonna cruuuuush it, brother! Let’s get ready to rumble!”

In Case You Missed Slight Performance Upgrades on Your PC…

“I’ve got just the thing for you, brother. My buddy Microsoft is churnin’ out this thing called Game Mode for Windows 10. It’s gonna come with the Creator’s Update later this year, and it’s gonna make those hot AAA games work good again! Specifically, it’ll optimize those framerates, give the CPU and the GPU priority, and squash some of those pesky bugs that just ruin our fun.”

In Case You Missed Getting Your PotG on a Highlight YouTube Channel…

“You’ve got more competition, so you got to set up your game! According to Blizzard, Overwatch has now reached over 25 million unique players. 25 million, brother! Can you believe it!? I know big numbers, and I know that if each of those players were to hop on right now, join a team, and get on the payload, there would be over 2 million games full of Red teams versus Blue teams. Don’t believe me? I got Blizzard right here! OH, YEAH!”

In Case You Missed the Wii’s Massive Library of Games…

“You can look at it again! A NintendoAge forum user named NintendoTwizer decided to be the best Wii master there ever was. He collected all 12 of the Wii Remotes that Nintendo put out. He got all four colors of the Wii. And, I’m telling ya he did it! He got all 1,262 games for the Wii! Every. Single. One. They said it couldn’t be done, but he did it. NintendoTwizer, I salute you, brother!”

In Case You Finished Everything in Pillars of Eternity

“Get ready for round two, brother, cause it’s comin’ soon! Obsidian Entertainment posted their trailer for Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire last week, and they decided to rock the boat a bit by moving their crowdfunding to Fig, a new face on the block. Now let me tell you what’s so special about Fig that Kickstarter just doesn’t have. Yeah, you can back the game like normal, get special goodies and such. If you’re a more business-minded individual, however, then listen up! You can invest in the game’s future. Drop a $1000 into this puppy, and you get a payday of up to $2 million if the game goes well. That juicy morsel of information might have been what helped get PoE II funded in less than 24 hours! Of course, it also could have been this trailer.”

In Case You Missed the Smell of Napalm in the Morning…

“Oooooh, brother, I’ve got just the remedy you seek. See, Apocalypse Now has its 40th anniversary as a classic war film in 2018. To celebrate, Francis Ford Coppola, the original director of the movie, is tag-teaming with Erebus LLC to make Apocalypse Now, a survival/horror game that puts the player in “Fallout: New Vegas on acid in the middle of the Vietnam War.” The game’s got about $130,000 of the $900,000 it needs and a month to go. Oh, brother, I hope you’re ready for this!”

I can not believe it! In Case You Missed It hit Last Week’s News with the chair! Looks like the winner of this match-up is once again In Case You Missed It! But, will ICYMI be able to keep up the fight next week, or will Last Week’s News get his revenge? Find out next week!

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