AVerMedia has announced today a brand new capture device for your desktop PC. What really sets this device apart from those like the Hauppauge HD-PVR and AVerMedia’s own Game Capture HD. Is that this device allows for an HDMI input and is placed inside of you’re desktop computer. It’s safe to assume that this device will produce the highest possible capture quality currently available on the market.
I know my previous review of an AVerMedia capture device was not an overwhelming hip-hip hooray, due to some hardware issues I’ve yet to figure out. But from simply glancing at the specifications and the fact the device supports HDMI and is 1080p compliant, it’s safe to assume that this product will be in a league of its own.
Below is a video provided by AVerMedia going over the functionality of the device.
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DeA4o3R2lxWY img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/eA4o3R2lxWY/0.jpg embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over skin=stormtrooper.zip bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
Website for Live Gamer HD.
Source: AVerMedia