Zephyrnix's Latest Articles

WWE All Stars (Impression)

OK, I have to admit when I first heard of this game, I was skeptical…. ok, I flat out laughed at the game, “What kind of …

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Xbox Tablet With Built-in Kinect To Be The next Xbox??

More rumors about the next Xbox: Vice president of Epic Games, Mark Rein, in an announcement of Unreal Engine 3 on the iPad, expressed his thoughts …

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Z-Files: My opinion of the new cloud based services for PS+

While PS+ is actually a good move for sony, they’ll need to do better if they want to stop being 3rd place.

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Z-Files: New Halo Game / Xbox 720 information

I know the Z-files are usually something done in a video format, but I wanted to add some text here 🙂 Recently, I’ve come across …

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Epic wants Gears of War on PS3?!?

Remember in 2007 when Michael Pachter said that Mass Effect AND Gears of war would go to the PS3. GUESS WHAT!  MASS EFFECT WENT TO …

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Discounted Xbox accessories

Microsoft just announced GearFest 2011, which gives gamers a limited window with which to purchase cool gear at low prices. “For four weeks, get Xbox …

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Fable 3 PC release date confirmed

One of the great titles of 2010 for the 360, Fable 3, has just been officially confirmed for a PC release. Originally, it was meant …

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New Killzone DLC

Guerrilla has revealed the second downloadable map pack for Killzone 3, Steel Rain. The pack contains two new multiplayer maps, Junkyard and Stahl Arms. Junkyard is …

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PSP Pricecut!

Ok, so the PSP isn’t a bad platform. Not by a longshot. It’s actually pretty good. …. but NOW it’s getting a price cut… which …

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Z-Files: Casual gamers are destroying the gaming industry!!

Zephyrnix takes a look at casual gamers and their effect on the current gaming generation. In order to do this, we need to take a …

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New Playstation apps for Android and IOS

Yep, PlayStation announced yesterday that folks will be able to download an iOS and Android app which will allow them to check their (and their …

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