Starting Today Ataribox Pre-Orders are Live


There’s still some mystery floating around Atari’s next great venture, the Ataribox. The return of this dormant player to the console race has surfed quiet waters during the last months. Quite frankly, to the point that no-one is really sure what to expect from this (maybe not so) retro piece of hardware.

Atari has confirmed today that the Ataribox is on schedule, more than ever. As a proof of that, they have released a pre-order date which is starting as soon as today, December 14. From Thursday onward, you’ll be able to preorder the new console on their Indiegogo page.

It seems that Atari will be grating a juicy discount when the listing goes live. They have also confirmed that these first-come-first-serve deals will be limited – and looking at how strong the retro vibe is hitting these days (NES Classic Mini, anyone?), they may sell out really fast. So if you are really interested in getting the Ataribox, you better bookmark that link and stay tuned this week!


What Do We Know About the Ataribox?

The Ataribox connects a pretty sleek design with its most classic roots in a system that aims to close the gap between retro and modern. The list of features includes HDMI output, plenty of USB ports, an Ethernet port, an SD card slot and the capacity of running Linux on an Advanced Micro Devices processor. “Ataribox is an open system,” General Manager Feargal Mac explained in the past, “and while our user interface will be easy to use, people will also be free to access and customize the underlying OS.”

General manager Feargal Mac also confirmed that the Ataribox is aiming for a Spring launch next year. On the other hand, the price range is currently between the $250 and $300. There’re still a lot of questions surrounding a hypothetical list of upcoming titles or even which development studios will be on board when the ship starts its journey. We’ll be sure to follow the Ataribox’s tracks in the near future and offer you any new update on it. You can also sign up on their website to know more.

What are your thoughts on the Ataribox, Fanatics? Are you looking forward to seeing what Atari has prepared or are you skeptic about this future console’s results? Let the discussion begin in the comment section down below.

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