After what had seemed like an eternity of rumors, speculating, and dead ends, Valve has decided to reveal to the world what the Steam Box actually looks like, and the new catchy name it goes by.
The official name of Valve’smini-PC is code named ‘Priston’ and is being co-developed with Xi3.
Some specifications were revealed about Priston, but nothing 100% solid. However, what has been reported by Polygon is that Priston is modeled after the PC maker’s X7A line of mini-PC’s.
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In the interview with Polygon, David Politis stated that “Priston will offer up to 1 TB of internal storage and offer modular component updates, including the option to upgrade the PC’s CPU, and RAM.”
Polygon also reported that the demo unit showed at CES featured an HDMI out, two mini display ports, four USB 2.0 including one dedicated to a keyboard, four USB 3.0 ports, Ethernet, four e-SATAp ports, and both optical and bog standard audio out.
No details were mentioned about the pricing of Priston or when it will become available for the public. But for now, we at least have some concrete details on the Steam Box.
Check out some pictures from CES below.
UPDATE: This isn’t the Steam box, simply a mini computer optimized for Steam. Valve engineer Ben Krasnow said so himself.