Another Sunday has come and gone. Again, my day off was spent gaming. This time with League of Legends. Specifically Dominion mode. I was on my own this weekend, so I opted to do a bit of a tutorial style video. I’ve come to realize that teaching people who have never played a MOBA before, how to play one, is actually pretty difficult. There aren’t many other games, outside RTS that translate. Hopefully you guys will be able to get a handle on what I’m doing here.
The match itself didn’t go over quite so well. Everyone who plays competitive games publicly, with some sort of match making system, knows that sometimes you get the short end of the stick. Either being matched against teams that are simply better than you, or with teammates that do poorly. But you make the best of it.
I’m playing Katarina, Dominion games really allow burst / assassin type champions to shine pretty brightly.
Hope you guys enjoy, I know I did. Now let’s play some League of Legends:
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