Xbox One backwards compatibility will extend your current-generation library without taking any extra money.
Microsoft has finally set a date for the launch of one of their biggest surprises from E3. Some titles from the Xbox 360 generation will be able to run on Xbox One consoles everywhere starting on November 12, Major Nelson revealed via Twitter. On top of that, the same update will revamp the dashboard into a new look that has been with preview program members since September. Among the features of the change will be the implementation of Windows 10 to, reportedly, increase speed of access by 50 percent to “popular gaming features.”
The list of games to initially come with Xbox One backwards compatibility is not entirely overwhelmed with classics and must-plays as of yet. Of the 27 games that will be available around the launch of the feature, a full third of them are titles from Rare Replay which has been available since August. The Gears of War franchise will be fully available by the end of the year, but other titles, headlined by the first Mass Effect, are the likes of two Kefling games, two Toy Soldiers entries, and Shadow Complex.

The rumored list, however, is full of titles that could make the Xbox One backwards compatibility feature a system seller. Games from the Bioshock, Assassin’s Creed, Fallout, Far Cry, Risen, Borderlands and Bayonetta series were all featured in the Microsoft E3 scroll, which has brought many to think of those as in-the-pipeline titles for the program. Microsoft also held a fan vote a few months ago where Red Dead Redemption, Skyrim and various Call of Duty titles received a lot of attention as probable inclusions at some point.
Are you interested in Xbox One backwards compatibility, or the new dashboard update?