Sony recently announced that the PlayStation 4 will see a price drop in Japan and has had Western fans of the two year old console wondering if they too, will see a price drop soon.
With the Holidays quickly approaching, retailers all over the nation are scrambling to get their advertisements out and focus on sales. Well a hurried mistake lead to Target briefly uploading an advertisement that suggested consumers could buy an Uncharted Nathan Drake collection PlayStation 4 bundle for the low price of three-hundred and fifty U.S. Dollars ($349.99). Does Target have the ability to predict the future now or was it a simple error? The world may never know… Oh wait, we actually do know.
This advertisement mistake was noticed by many as Target’s video game section on its website proclaimed that the PlayStation 4 now had a fifty dollar price drop. As fans rushed to place this PlayStation 4 bundle into their carts, they were disappointed to discover that at checkout, it still was at its normal four hundred dollar price tag.
Later on in the day, Target removed any such promotional language stating that the PlayStation 4 had a price drop. It seems an employee may have jumped the gun and announced the price drop too soon. Sony Entertainment Company hasn’t released any information on a price drop for the PlayStation 4 in the Western regions.
In the defense of the Target employee, the retail giant recently began a deal that includes a fifty dollar gift card with the purchase of a PlayStation 4 bundle. However, this doesn’t answer the question as to why the Uncharted Nathan Drake collection PlayStation 4 bundle was directly listed at three-hundred and fifty dollars. All the more reason to speculate and hope that Sony will drop the price of the PlayStation 4 soon; preferably in time for the Holidays.
The Uncharted Nathan Drake collection PS4 bundle would be a great time to announce the price drop but Sony is also releasing a Call of Duty 1TB PlayStation 4 bundle as well in November. Either way, a price drop with one of these bundles would be effective and would be sure to drive sales up.
Do you think we will see a price drop for PlayStation 4 before or after the Holidays? Let me know in the comments below!