There is so much Gears 5 information to share after their showings during Gamescom 2019. Many fans rejoice now that they finally got their eyes on Gears 5 Horde and Campaign modes. Some started to worry with the absence of information around these 2 modes but it looks like everything is going to be okay. This may have been said before, but this is shaping up to be the best Gears game we have seen yet.
Horde is back in a major way. The player will have more options when it comes to character choice, places to set up shop on the map and various abilities. Each character will have an ultimate ability. These abilities are specific to the various characters, so customization in that sense will not be possible. If you like the look of a character but not their ability, you will just need to choose a different character. There will be a starting line up of characters with more to come down the line. There isn’t much information on how these new characters will be accessed.
There are also new playable characters in the various modes. Jack, our favorite robot companion is now playable in both campaign and horde mode. There are also new additions from outside of the Gears franchise. Back during E3, we saw the teaser for the terminator. Well now we have both Kat and Emile from Halo: Reach making an appearance as multiplayer skins with their own abilities.

The campaign trailer really did look amazing. It’s great that The Coalition has been able to change the story focus from character to character. Fans have been more responsive to this new set of characters than many expected after the initial teaser for Gears of War 4. In Gears 5, we see the re-emergence of couch co-op. On top of that, you will be able to play with 3 players. With Jack now being a playable character, this can be a great starting point for those who have issues with the mechanics of the game.
There have been many quality of life improvements. Some of those are geared specifically to those with disabilities. One of those changes include the ability to reduce camera shake. The addition of Jack being a playable character was also made with the thought of those with limited dexterity in mind. For the hardcore graphics and fps people out there, you will be glad to know that the game will run at 4K resolution and 60 frames per second on Xbox One X.
Gears 5’s release is right around the corner. If you are a Game Pass Ultimate subscriber, you get the game 4 days early on September 6th. For everyone else, Gears 5 will be playable September 10th.